
历历在目 - remain clear and distinct in one's mind

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      中国人在回忆过往时,常说“往事历历在目”。“历历在目”,汉语成语,指远方的景物看得清清楚楚,或过去的事情清清楚楚地重现在眼前,可以翻译为“remain clear and distinct in one's mind; leap up vividly before the eyes; remember every detail as if before the eyes”。“历历”表示“清楚,分明的样子(distinctly; clearly)”。
- 追忆往事,历历在目。
- As I look back, scenes of the past leap before my eyes.

- 三年来所积淀的往事历历在目。
- Those memories accumulated in the past three years seem to leap up vividly by the eyes.
- 回想起来,震后惨状依然历历在目。
- In my mind's eye I can still see the sight of horror after the earthquake.

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