
生搬硬套 - copy mechanically and apply indiscriminately

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       做任何事情都要学会灵活变通,不可“生搬硬套”。“生搬硬套”,汉语成语,意思是指不顾实际情况,机械地运用别人的经验,照抄别人的办法,含贬义。“套”表示“模仿(copy)”。可以翻译为 “copy mechanically and apply indiscriminately”或“accept and imitate blindly”。

- 对先进的经验我们应该因地制宜,不应生搬硬套。
- We should apply advanced experience according to local conditions and shouldn't apply it mechanically.
- 发展我国经济不能生搬硬套别国的经验。
- To develop the economy of our country, we should not apply mechanically the experience of other countries.

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