
想方设法 - try by every means to

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“想方设法”,汉语成语,意思是为了达到目的而想尽种种办法,可以翻译为“try by every means to,rack one's brains to find ways”。与英文常用语“beg,borrow or(and) steal”意思相近,表示“to acquire or accomplish something by any means necessary or available”。
- 我们会想方设法凑足钱支付罚款。
- We’ll have to beg, borrow or steal enough money to pay the fines.
- 这也许是他们最后一次开演唱会了。这就是为什么我想方设法要去看他们表演。
- This may be their last tour ever. That's why I'm prepared to beg, borrow or steal to see them perform.

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