
一拍即合 - form an immediate, positive connection with someone

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     “一拍即合”,汉语成语,意思是一打拍子就合上了曲子的节奏;比喻一相遇即十分合适、融洽,也比喻因情意相投,一下子就说到一起或结合在一起。与英文俗语“hit it off”意思相近,表示“form an immediate, positive connection with someone;quickly become good friends with someone”。

- 我就知道你和海丽会一拍即合,你们有太多共同点了。
- I just knew you and Haley would hit it off—you two have so much in common.
- 我很高兴你和我父亲一拍即合。他并不是个容易相处的人。
- I'm so glad that you hit it off with my father. He isn't always the easiest person to get to know.

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