
九牛二虎之力 - tremendous effort

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     “九牛二虎之力”,字面意思是九头牛与两只虎的力气的相加(strength of nine bulls and two tigers),比喻其力大不可挡。常用于形容很费力才做成一件事。可以翻译为“ tremendous effort;all one's strength”。
- 我使出九牛二虎之力也没把它拽动。
- I heaved with all my might but still couldn't budge it.
- 他费尽九牛二虎之力把那棵树重新立了起来,并一直照顾它,直到它完全复原。
- He used all his strength to raise the tree back up again, and looked after it until it completely recovered.

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