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      “龙套”是传统戏曲角色行当(type of roles in traditional Chinese operas),指跟班、随从、兵卒等小角色(actor playing a walk-on part [e.g. attendant or solider]),因所穿的戏装为龙套衣而得名。

      “跑龙套”原指在戏曲中扮演配角,后比喻做无关紧要的事(do things insignificant or trivial),起次要作用(play a minor role),或专做跑腿、服务性工作(be a utility man)。现在也指电影里面的群众演员(extras in a film)。

- 刚开始我跑跑龙套,后来我演上了主角。
- I started as a walk-on, and later played principal roles.

- 我只不过是个跑龙套的,不拿事儿。
- My job is to run errands, not to make decisions.

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